; Paint.NET Palette File ; Lines that start with a semicolon are comments ; Colors are written as 8-digit hexadecimal numbers: aarrggbb ; For example, this would specify green: FF00FF00 ; The alpha ('aa') value specifies how transparent a color is. FF is fully opaque, 00 is fully transparent. ; A palette must consist of ninety six (96) colors. If there are less than this, the remaining color ; slots will be set to white (FFFFFFFF). If there are more, then the remaining colors will be ignored. FF223355 FF772255 FF008855 FFAA5533 FF665555 FFBBBBCC FFFFEEEE FFFF0055 FFFFAA00 FFFFEE22 FF00DD33 FF22AAFF FF887799 FFFF77AA FFFFCCAA FF000000